Batavia First United Methodist Church
8221 Lewiston Rd.
Batavia NY 14020
Our Mission & Vision
To be disciples we must listen, learn, lead and love our way to God.
Worship Times
We invite you to worship with us every Sunday morning at 10:00am in the church sanctuary, or by following the service live on Facebook.
Children’s Sunday School also takes place at 10:00am and nursery care is available during the 10:00am service.
Thank you to all who supported our Cookie Walk and Vendor Fair on Saturday, December 7.
The Cookie Walk and Vendor Fair is our largest fundraiser of the year. Through the grace of God and the support of our families, friends, and neighbors in the community, this year’s event was very successful once again.
We thank you all very much, we hope you enjoy your cookies, and we look forward to seeing you again next year!
Upcoming Events
Ash Wednesday Service
with imposition of ashes
March 5